Angels have been a source of fascination, mystery, and awe for centuries. These celestial beings appear in religious texts, folklore, and even popular culture. While some view them as divine messengers, others see them as protectors or warriors of the spiritual realm. If you’ve ever wondered about angels, here are ten fascinating facts that will help you understand them better.
Angels Are Created Beings, Not Eternal
Unlike God, who has always existed, angels were created by Him. The Bible explicitly states that God created all things, both visible and invisible, including angels (Colossians 1:16). This means that angels are not eternal beings; they have a beginning.
This fact also distinguishes Christian beliefs from some other religious perspectives. For instance, Mormons believe that Jesus and Satan are spirit brothers, implying that Jesus is also a created being. However, traditional Christian doctrine holds that Jesus is God and not a created angelic being.
Angels Are Serving Spirits
Angels primarily exist to fulfill God’s will. Their duties include delivering divine messages, executing God’s judgments, and assisting believers.
•The angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah (Luke 1:11-19) and Mary (Luke 1:26-38) to announce significant events.
•An angel directed Philip to a divine appointment (Acts 8:26).
•In some instances, angels were sent to carry out God’s judgment, such as the plague against Israel in 2 Samuel 24:16-17.
Angels Have Free Will
Though angels were created as holy beings, they possess free will. Revelation 12:3 suggests that when Lucifer rebelled against God, he persuaded one-third of the angels to follow him. These fallen angels became demons.
Some fallen angels were so wicked that God bound them in chains until the final judgment (2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6). This indicates that angels, like humans, can choose obedience or rebellion.
Angels Are Spirit Beings
Unlike humans, angels are primarily spiritual beings. However, they can take on physical form when necessary.
•After Jesus’ resurrection, He explained that spirits do not have flesh and bones (Luke 24:39), implying that angels, as spirit beings, do not naturally have physical bodies.
•However, at times, God allows humans to see angels. Balaam’s donkey, for example, saw an angel before Balaam did (Numbers 22:31).
•The Bible even suggests that some strangers we encounter might be angels in disguise (Hebrews 13:2).
Angels Have Rank and Order
Angels are not all the same; they have different ranks and responsibilities.
•Michael is called an “archangel” (Jude 1:9), meaning he has authority over other angels.
•In Daniel 10:13, Michael is referred to as one of the “chief princes,” suggesting there are multiple high-ranking angels.
•Michael is also depicted as the leader of God’s angelic army (Revelation 12:7-8).
This hierarchical structure suggests that God has an organized angelic host carrying out His divine will.
Angels Protect People
Angels play a crucial role in protecting believers.
•The prophet Daniel was thrown into a den of lions, but an angel shut the lions’ mouths, keeping him safe (Daniel 6:22).
•Psalm 91:11-12 states that God commands His angels to protect His people from harm.
Although many believe in the concept of “guardian angels,” the Bible does not explicitly say that each person has a personal angel assigned to them. However, scripture does confirm that angels watch over and protect believers.
Angels Engage in Spiritual Warfare
A spiritual battle is constantly happening between God’s angels and the forces of darkness.
•In Daniel 10:13, an angel delivering a message to Daniel was delayed due to a battle with a demonic entity, requiring Michael’s assistance.
•Revelation 12:7-8 describes a war in heaven where Michael and his angels fight against Satan and his demons.
These passages indicate that angels actively engage in spiritual warfare on behalf of God’s kingdom.
Angels Have Emotions
Angels are not robotic or emotionless; they experience and express emotions.
•Jesus taught that angels rejoice when a sinner repents (Luke 15:10). This suggests they have joy and celebration in their nature.
Their ability to feel emotions reflects their closeness to God’s heart and their deep investment in His plans.
Believers Will Judge Angels
In a surprising twist, the Bible states that believers will have authority over angels in the future.
•1 Corinthians 6:3 asks, “Do you not know that we will judge angels?”
Though the specifics of this judgment remain unclear, it implies that in God’s eternal kingdom, redeemed believers will have a higher position than angels.
Angels Continuously Worship God
Even now, angels are gathered around God’s throne, worshiping Him.
•Revelation 7:11 describes a countless multitude of angels standing before God’s throne, worshiping Him day and night.
•One day, believers will join the angels in worship, glorifying God for eternity.
This paints a beautiful picture of heaven as a place of eternal praise and adoration.
What are Angels? Final Thoughts
Angels are incredible beings with divine assignments. They serve God, protect believers, engage in spiritual battles, and worship at God’s throne. While they are fascinating, our focus should always be on God, who created them for His purposes.
Understanding these ten facts about angels helps us appreciate their role in God’s divine plan and reminds us that we are never alone—God’s heavenly messengers are always at work.