
Should Christians watch pornography?


Pornography and Christianity: The two might have more overlap than one might think. The world will tell you there’s nothing wrong with sneaking a peek at pornography every once in a while. After all, everyone is doing it, and it’s not hurting anybody, right? Isn’t it better than fornicating or committing adultery? 

Before we go on, let me define the word pornography so we understand what we’re talking about. Pornography is any sexual activity you’d feel uncomfortable watching in front of your 12-year-old daughter. 

There are some serious problems and dangers associated with consumption of pornography. Here are a few:

Pornography and Christianity: The inverse effect ​

The more you watch porn, the less interested you will be in your spouse.

Without even trying, you will start to compare your spouse to the fantasy world you see in porn. If they don’t live up to that standard, then your desire for them will decrease.

This happens because our human nature is to be attracted to things that are new. We want the new iPhone before it even comes out! When you indulge in pornography, there’s always the opportunity for you to experience something new. Your spouse isn’t going to be able to compare to the variety and novelty of the pornography you find on the internet. As a result your marriage deteriorates.

It creates insecurities ​

Watching porn can create insecurities within yourself, and within your spouse. You’ll start comparing yourself to what you see on the screen, and start getting insecure if you don’t perform or act the same way.

And if your spouse knows you watch porn, then they will get insecure. They’ll feel they have to measure up and compete with your pornographic fantasies.

Pornography and Christianity: It hinders your spiritual life ​

Watching porn leads you into a life of shame and secrecy, which is exactly where Satan wants you to be. He also wants you to feel so guilty and dirty that you aren’t even comfortable coming to God or to other Christians. 

Christians can’t stuff our minds with negative filth and expect to have an intimate relationship with God.

Porn is an insatiable desire ​

Porn invites and entices you to think you just need a little to get by, but then it traps and enslaves you, causing you to crave it more and more. It can also lead to other forms of sexual sin, as you get bored with the porn and want to move on to things like fornication or adultery.

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