
Should Christians do Yoga?


What is the biblical view on Yoga and Christianity? Should Christians be involved in an activity that has roots in Hinduism? Can Christians participate in the physical and mental aspects of Yoga without violating their spiritual beliefs?

This topic isn’t explicitly addressed in the Bible. Here are five things to consider as you pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to the right decision.

Am I being legalistic about Yoga and Christianity?

Legalism means taking our own opinions and elevating them to the level of scripture. This is especially true regarding issues the Bible is silent on.

Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God.

This type of legalism existed in Jesus’ day, when the religious leaders added many rules and burdens to the law that didn’t come from God. We must avoid falling into that same trap with the issues and questions we face today.

What is my motivation?

Sometimes we as Christians allow the world to steal something that is actually acceptable and twist it to make it evil. Take meditation, for example. Some Christians are against the concept of meditation, because of what the world has made it into. But look what the Bible says about that:

Study this book of instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.

An important question when looking at Yoga is whether you’re meditating on an eastern religion’s false god, or whether you’re meditating on God and the scriptures.

The same goes for the stretching aspect. If you’re doing it to try to position your body in a way that pays homage to some Hindu god, that would be wrong. But stretching for flexibility or mental peace or focus can’t be considered wrong by any biblical standard. 

Is my Yoga class a cult?

What’s going on in your yoga class? Is there any talk of channeling your inner self or emptying your mind, or chanting, or getting in touch with your self-consciousness, or any other New Age-type activity, Christians should stay away. Those activities have demonic roots attached to them. That can open up the gateway for the enemy to bring us deeper into false New Age beliefs or practices. Don’t even open up your mind and spirit to being misled away from God.

Is my Yoga a stumbling block?

But you must be careful so that your freedom does not cause others with a weaker conscience to stumble.

Yes, you have freedom. But Paul is saying you need to consider potential harm to Christians less mature than you.

If someone sees you going to a Yoga class, they might become more emboldened to violate their conscience and go themselves. But they might not be equipped to avoid the potential pitfalls of that activity. 

The Bible makes it clear that if we as Christians do something that causes some other Christian to sin, even if the act itself isn’t inherently sinful, we are committing a sin.

Is my conscience convicting me?

Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not to do it.

If you’re considering Yoga but feel convicted not to do it, you probably shouldn’t. Avoid activities you feel the Holy Spirit is discouraging.

For more helpful biblical Christian content from Allen Parr, visit his YouTube channel The BEAT or browse other topics on the blog!

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