Can People in Heaven See People on Earth?
The question, Can people in heaven see people on earth? has intrigued believers for centuries. Many seek comfort in the idea that their loved ones may be watching over them. Have you ever thought or heard someone say, “I know my grandmother is up in heaven and she’s looking down on us”? Although statements like this make us feel a little bit more connected to those who have passed, we have to evaluate these statements with scripture. In this article, we will explore 7 things to consider and what the Bible says about Heaven seeing earth.
Consideration #1: Those In Heaven Cannot Experience Pain
Revelation 21:4 makes it clear that whenever you and I receive our glorified bodies it will be impossible for us to be in heaven and experience pain, suffering, and heartache at the same time being in the very presence of God.
"He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever."
Revelation 21:4
So, whatever our loved ones are doing in heaven, even if they are able to observe earth, we have assurance that they are not experiencing pain in heaven. The Bible does not communicate that heaven is a place that has any sort of pain, suffering, or sorrow at all. If those in heaven could see the pain, sin, and suffering on Earth, would they not feel sorrow? This would contradict the idea that heaven is a place of perfect joy. It seems more likely that God, in His wisdom, shields them from earthly struggles so they can fully enjoy His presence.
Consideration #2: Heaven Is A Place of Consistent Activity
Whenever we reach heaven, we will feel completely fulfilled in God’s presence. Our focus won’t be on what happens on earth.
Imagine attending the Super Bowl or your favorite concert. You’ll know what’s happening outside the stadium, but it won’t hold your attention. The excitement of the event will captivate you. Heaven will be even more breathtaking. With so much to enjoy, there will be little time or energy to focus on life on earth.
Consideration #3: Those In Heaven Have God's Perspective
We may believe our loved ones in heaven see the sadness and injustice on Earth and feel sorrow. However, they understand everything from God’s perspective. This understanding allows them to see the bigger picture and trust in God’s plan. They know the final outcome, so they do not worry about what will happen. As mentioned in Consideration #1, heaven is a place without sorrow.
Consideration #4: Scripture Says That Heaven Rejoices When A Sinner Repents
This means people in heaven have to be aware of certain things that are going on on Earth. The parable of the Lost Sheep in Luke chapter 15 states,
In the same way, there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and turns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven't strayed away!
Luke 15:7
This passage suggests that when a shepherd notices one lost sheep, they leave the 99 to find it. The other 99 still matter, but the shepherd prioritizes rescuing the lost one. This highlights the incredible value of a single soul turning to God’s kingdom.
When someone commits their life to God, heaven erupts in celebration. This implies that those in heaven have some awareness of earthly events.
However, we cannot use these verses as definitive proof or build an entire theology around them.
Consideration #5: Remember The Story of the Rich Man and Lazarus
We believe this is an actual story of a rich man who mistreated a poor man named Lazarus because Jesus never used proper names in parables. Whenever they died, Lazarus went to Abraham’s bosom or paradise which is a place of comfort; the rich man went to Hades which is a place of torment.
While the rich man was there he was communicating with Abraham because he had his remembrance and knew he had brothers who were still on earth who had not repented. He wanted to be able to warn them so they would not experience pain and torment like he is experiencing.
Then the rich man said, 'Please, Father Abraham, at least send him to my father's home. For I have five brothers, and I want him to warn them so they don't end up in this place of torment.'"
Luke 16:27-28
Here is an example of someone who has passed on to the afterlife but had a clear awareness of what was happening on earth. But scripture still doesn’t say people in heaven can see people on earth. He was able to see his brothers and was aware that his brothers were still on earth.
This still doesn’t answer the question, can people in heaven see people on earth and actually view the events that are happening.
Consideration #6: Revelation's Martyrs Were Aware of God's Earthly Judgement
In Revelation, the martyrs who were crying out to God so that God would avenge them for their blood.
When the Lamb broke the fifth seal, I saw under the alter the souls of all who had been martyred for the word of God and for being faithful in their testimony. They shouted to the Lord and said, "O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before you judge the people who belong to this world and avenge our blood for what they have done to us?"
Revelation 6:9-10
The martyrs in heaven knew that final judgment had not yet happened. They asked how long they must wait to see God bring justice against those who took their lives for their faith.
However, this passage does not say they could see events unfolding on Earth. It only shows that they understood judgment was still coming.
Consideration #7: Hebrews 12 Is Often Misunderstood
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.
Hebrews 12:1
People often interpret this verse as a stadium filled with those who have passed on, cheering us on like spectators at a game. However, a more accurate picture is a museum, not a stadium.
In a museum, you see paintings that tell stories. Hebrews 11 presents a “Hall of Faith,” showcasing those who overcame struggles through faith. The passage encourages us to look at Abraham, Moses, Isaac, and Noah—people who faced challenges just like us.
If they endured and triumphed by faith, so can we. Their lives serve as examples, reminding us that faith leads to victory.
Conclusion: Can Loved Ones In Heaven See Us On Earth?
Can people in heaven see people on earth? We do not have a yes or no answer here. The Bible does not actually speak on this directly. We can piece together these 7 considerations and put together an idea.
The Bible encourages us to set our minds on eternal things rather than speculating on what our loved ones can see. What matters most is that they are with God, experiencing perfect joy.