My Testimony
I was born on November 15, 1975. At the tender age of 6 years old, what seemed like my whole world at the time, caved in when my parents told us they were getting a divorce. Even at that age, I was devastated and confused. Subsequent to that event, my father introduced me to Jesus Christ for the first time at the age of 6. I understood the gospel and accepted Him as my Savior. For the next 11 years or so, my mother faithfully took us to church each week. However, I didn’t have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I never prayed. I never read my Bible. I didn’t enjoy church. And as soon as I went to college and got out on my own, I stopped going. Somewhere around the age of 19 I was discipled by a man who, for the first time, taught me how to study the Bible. From that point on, I couldn’t put it down. I read every book about the Bible I could get my hands on. I listened to every set of tapes, CD series I could find. I was like a sponge.