
Should Christians go to church?


Do Christians have to go to church?

Have you fallen off from church attendance? Maybe you fell off when the COVID-19 pandemic started. Maybe you had a bad experience or a falling out with a leader or member. Regardless of the reason, I can give you some sure, biblical reasons why church attendance is a crucial part of any Christian’s life, to help answer the question: “Do Christians really have to go to church?”

The example of Jesus Christ ​

...and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom.

Jesus went to the place of worship consistently. If Jesus is our example, we should value church the same way he did. The Bible also refers to the church as the bride of Christ. That speaks to how important the church is to Jesus. How would you feel if someone disrespected your wife?

So we can contribute

We should not be asking what we can get out of church; we should be asking what we can give to the church. The church needs your gifts, talents, abilities, experience, and testimony. Someone in the church will miss out if you’re not involved.

For we will all stand before Christ to be judged. We will each receive whatever we deserve.

For our children

Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.

The church is a great place where children can learn ethics and morals, and develop good character. Your children can also discover their gifts and learn the importance of community.

To benefit from community

Community provides care and counsel for Christians. When you’re going through the most difficult seasons of your life, the church allows you to be surrounded by people who can support you.

You can also receive counsel when you’re going through life struggles or tragedies. You can grow spiritually through worship services and Bible studies.

To make connections

No matter what you’re trying to accomplish in life, you can’t do it alone. The church is a great place to establish good personal and professional connections with other people who are following Christ.

If you’re dealing with church hurt, you have to forgive and let that go and not allow that to keep you from finding a local body of Christ where you can serve and grow.

For more helpful biblical Christian content from Allen Parr, visit his YouTube channel The BEAT or browse other topics on the blog!

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